Ginger Oil

Ginger Oil can be used internally and externally.

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15 ml

High Pure

Essential Oil

Ayurvedic Oil

Therapeutic Grade

Ginger Essential Oil can be useful in blends and formulations intended to help improve circulation. It’s a frequent addition to blends for massage, arthritis and muscle aches and pains.


Helps ease Nausea, arthritis, digestive upset, colds and migraines. Benefit those suffering from insomnia and enhance energy levels by inspiring positive and hopeful feelings, promoting a balanced and grounded mindset.

Usage and Dosage:

Add 1-2 drops of Ginger oil in water and use in diffuser. Steam inhalation: Add 2-3 drops of ginger oil to the steaming water in a bowl. Drape a towel over your head. Keeping your eyes closed, place your head over the steaming bowl and inhale deeply

Additional information

Weight50 g

50 ml